@geowillpkr – Please feel to visit the website for clarification. Each
habitat is deliberately open planned so that owners can retrofit services
if and as required. This habitat demonstrated internal sizes for beds and
furnishings for use as a studio – no bathroom required.
Perfect for a #FranchiseConcept prefab building. Sure, it makes a great
little home too. #Containerhome
Contairers para vivir?
So darn cute!
Prefab shipping container home – one cool habitat .com
@woejipums better make it triple…
This is a great video
i might buy one
Perfect for Japanese people
I love it!
@Ivana9910 why not? LOL
brilliant video
@veiakas Triple Vote Up!
Went to site, kinda vague info but nice images. Do you mod 40 foot
containers? Or strictly the 20s?
@RokDAWG1 well you will have to build a regular house if you want to change
the dimensions of the container you are starting with …that’s what
LOVE IT!!!!!!
this could be a club house
I really like it! I love small homes, and this one is my favorite so far >.<
love the deco!
THIS IS HOW we can house more people. THINK!
I like these but it would be cool if you could but a bathroom in and hook
it to a sewer system. I think it makes a great get away space.
very good
great video thanks
0:15 Working man’s RV. I’d buy one.
@geowillpkr – Please feel to visit the website for clarification. Each
habitat is deliberately open planned so that owners can retrofit services
if and as required. This habitat demonstrated internal sizes for beds and
furnishings for use as a studio – no bathroom required.